Fountain Primary School

Putting learning at the heart of all we do

Fountain Street, Morley, West Yorkshire, LS27 0AW

0113 8878235

British Values

British Values at Fountain Primary

We have identified ‘Big questions’ that link with our ‘Big Ideas’ curriculum map that will promote British Values objectives and develop them across the school.

By integrating British Values within all of our curricular work we ensure that children at Fountain understand British Values to the greatest effect.


British Values Across the wider school community

In addition, we promote each value within school and across the school community in the following ways:


Children were actively involved in deciding our school ‘Golden Rules’. Within each class children each year also decide upon their class silver rules.

We have a Pupil Parliament who are active in school and in our local community, attending Cluster Council and have visited Parliament and Leeds Civic Hall.  They each take on an individual ministerial role within school and also support and arrange school community events. 

Children are regularly asked for their views and opinions on things that affect them on school.  Pupil voice is collected when leadership team review classes and phase groups.

The Rule of Law

The importance of laws and rules, whether they be those that govern the class, the school or the country, are consistently reinforced at Fountain.

Pupils learn from the earliest age that we have rules in school.  The overarching principle behind rules in school is our ‘Golden Rules’. We consider our golden rules to be rules not just for school but for life, our children are taught the golden rules to be used inside and outside of school life. In keeping these rules, children learn that they keep themselves and others safe and that when the rules are broken there are consequences.

When children make the wrong choice, and break the rules, they are given an opportunity to think about how they can make things right again.

Individual Liberty

At Fountain pupils are encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.  Children learn that all choices have consequences and that they need to take all factors into account when making them.

We teach children about their rights, but also stress that with rights come responsibilities and that, when they exercise their personal freedoms they must also consider what the consequences of their actions will be.

Mutual Respect

Mutual respect lies at the heart of our school. Our golden rules begin with the statement ‘At Fountain we are respectful to each other and our school by following these golden rules’.

Children discuss this statement and one of our curricular themed weeks is ‘Respect week’. Within this week we examine respect of our resources and classroom environment, respect of our world with a focus on our outdoor space and respect of each other and our community.

Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

At Fountain we believe that it is important not just to tolerate those of different faiths and beliefs but to understand and respect them too.

Part of our respect week focuses on different faiths and beliefs within our community and the world beyond.

Religious Education lessons help children to learn about other faiths and we arrange visits to places of worship within Leeds to help children to understand more.