Medicines in School
Whilst we believe that sick children should be at home, we are prepared to administer medication that has been prescribed by a doctor to your child. If a child needs medicine just three times a day we would suggest this is done at home on a morning, after school and evening unless there is a specific reason it needs to be given during school hours.
Medicines will not be given unless they are prescribed with a clear pharmacy label attached, and a parent has signed the permission sheet. Medication must be handed in at the school office and should not be given to the classroom teacher or sent with the child to hand in themselves. No substitute will be made if the child has no medication in school.
Parents have prime responsibility for their child's health so we will collect all relevant information from the parents prior to any course of medicine being dispensed. We expect parents to give full and honest information about their child's condition.
Please complete the medication form and hand into the Main Office along with the prescribed medication.
Other medical needs/injuries
If your child has ongoing medical needs, including allergies, food intolerances or has sustained an injury e.g. fracture, sprain, etc, please speak to a member of the Pastoral Team who will complete a risk assessment and/or care plan with you and arrange for any relevant care or staff training required.
If your child has asthma please provide full information and ensure they have a current, in-date inhaler (and spacer if needed) with them in school every day. If you have an up-to-date asthma plan from your child's medical team please provide a copy to school.