curriculum documents
Our Curriculum Maps
Our Knowledge & Skills Maps
Each topic based subject is planned through a knowledge and skills progression. These map the knowledge and skills to be learnt in each topic and link to previously taught knowledge and skills.
Each topic has a knowledge organiser to support retention of knowledge and development of vocabulary.
We don't tenuously link subjects to topics so some are taught using subject specific knowledge and skills maps that don't link to topic or we use schemes to support planning.
Maths is taught following the White Rose Maths Hub. We have designed a process of teaching maths that supports our learners.
Science is taught separately through our progressive knowledge and skills map and supported with knowledge organisers.
PSHE teaching is supported by the scheme 'You, Me and PSHE'.
Religious Education teaching is supported through the 'Leeds agreed syllabus'.
Music teaching is supported through the scheme 'Music Express'.
We teach French as a modern foreign language from year 3 upwards. The teaching of French is supported with the scheme 'Le Jolie Ronde'
Physical education teaching is supported with the scheme 'Real PE' and through coaching support from 'PE Partner'.