Fountain Primary School

Putting learning at the heart of all we do

Fountain Street, Morley, West Yorkshire, LS27 0AW

0113 8878235

Themed WeekS


We supplement our curriculum throughout the year with ‘Themed Weeks’. This can alter each year. These are some of the themed weeks we have had at Fountain.

Each themed week has a high quality text for each year group based on the theme which will form part of the learning during the week.

Health and Sport

Included in this week is sports day. We also look at our physical health and explore healthy recipes. We also discuss our mental health with the high quality texts themed around this subject.

Aspiration Week

Within Aspiration week we looked at the importance of having a dream or a goal and knowing the steps required in order to reach these ambitions. We looked at the life stories of historical figures who often get forgotten but who have created a huge impact on the world.


At the start of the academic year we explore the questions ‘Who am I? How do we learn?’ Alongside this, children will develop their learning environment and their growth mindset.



The two weeks prior to Christmas we explore the learning question ‘How can we develop our understanding of Christmas traditions?’ This develops from a Christmas themed story or a version of the nativity to a performance.